Nevada law requires that attendance notes be submitted within 3 days of the student's return. Notes must be written and include:
learner's full name
date of absence
reason for absence
We cannot accept phone calls regarding absences, as we cannot verify the identity of the caller. ​Excuse notes can be turned in to the front office or you can complete the form below. Absence notes must be sent through Parent (s)/ Guardian emails only that match what is in Infinite Campus. Any submitted absence notes that DO NOT match the information in Infinite Campus may result in having the absence note be rejected.

Your child will be marked tardy if they arrive after 8:45am. (Tardies are not excused.) Your child will be marked absent half day if they arrive after 10:30am.
Early checkout is before 2:30pm. Learners will not be released if parents arrive after that time. You must provide I.D.