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What are school hours?-Office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm -Playground gates open at 8:25am followed by our Sunrise Celebration -Classes begin at 8:35am -Tardy bell rings at 8:40am -Learners are dismissed at 3:05pm -Safekey opens at 6:30am and closes at 6:00pm
What is the name of your school?We are fortunate to have Lomie G. Heard, a legendary Las Vegas teacher, as our main namesake. The original Lomie Heard Elementary was located on Nellis Air Force Base for many years. At the conclusion of the lease, the base school was closed and subsequently reopened at our current location.
When will I know who my child’s teacher will be?Letters will be mailed the first week of August to inform you of your child’s homeroom facilitator (teacher) placement. However, be aware that our learners work with many facilitators throughout the day. You will get to know all of these facilitators as the year progresses and we invite you to watch for our Open House and Parent Conference dates so you can meet them all.
Where do I drop off and pick up my child?Learners enter and exit the campus through the gates on our playground located between our school and Diaz Elementary. Enter on the private road in FRONT of Heard ES. Exit onto Lamb. Please ensure the safety of all children by exiting them from the car AT THE CURB. Do not allow them to cross traffic or in front of other cars.
Can my child ride the bus?Visit and the Transportation tab to see if you live in our school transportation zone and qualify for bus transport to our school. Transportation runs independently of our school. They determine pick up/drop off locations and times. Their department can be contacted at 702-799-8100 or online at under the Transportation tab. Please contact their department with questions or concerns.
Are uniforms required?No, we do not require uniforms.
Does your school have Safekey?Safekey opens at 6:30AM and closes at 6:00PM Safekey runs independently of our school. Please contact (702) 455-8251 for information or go to their website.
Does your school have a parent organization?We have a group of parents called a PTO - Parent Teacher Organization. They meet regularly to plan school events and support school initiatives.
Can parents volunteer at your school?Yes, we welcome families into our school to assist with various needs. First, check with your child’s facilitators to see if there are needs within their own classroom or grade level that you can help with. We may also have needs in the front office where you can assist. Please check with our office manager in that case. CCSD policy requires that regular volunteers be fingerprinted. See the CCSD website for information.
Does your school offer Pre-Kindergarten?Yes, we have a pre-kindergarten program for learners with special needs and typical peers. Please call the office for more information.
What is your attendance policy?-Learners arriving after 8:45AM will be marked tardy. -Learners who miss more than 1 hour and 55 minutes will be marked for a half-day absence. -Learners who miss more than 3 hours and 45 minutes will be marked for a full-day absence. -We encourage family vacations on regular breaks from school. The current CCSD calendar can be found here. -Upon registration, you will sign a Magnet Contract. The Contract explains that if attendance violates the following requirements*, your learner will be put on “probation” and may be considered for “dismissal” from our school at the end of the school year if conditions do not improve. This means they would have to enroll at their zoned school for the next school year. *15 or more excused OR unexcused full-day absences (Including pre-arranged) *15 or more tardies OR early releases
How can my child attend your school?Our learners must be accepted through an online magnet school application system. Go to CCSD Elementary Magnet Schools are “interest-based,” meaning that if we have space available, we will accept them into our school. There are NO prerequisites such as test scores, grade, or recommendations from previous teachers. If we have more applicants than space available, names are selected by a computerized lottery. Once your child is accepted into our school, we become their home school for the entire school year.
Do I have to reapply every year?Once your learner has been accepted and attends Lomie G. Heard Elementary, you do NOT need to apply again at They have a “seat” at our school as long as you continue to register them. If you applied and did not get accepted, you WILL need to apply again for the following year. ALL learners DO, however, need to REGISTER every school year. This is done online at the Infinite Campus Parent Portal AND by coming into our office to sign paperwork and verify ID.
What does the Magnet Contract say?Lomie G. Heard ES Magnet Program Contract This contract outlines the expectations for the performance and continuation in Lomie G. Heard Elementary School, hereafter referred to as the magnet program. Students that violate guidelines pertaining to academics, attendance, behavior, or any combination of the three items will be placed on probation. Students that do not meet the obligations of their probation may be dismissed from the school at the end of the school year and will be required to enroll at their zoned school location for the next school year. ENROLLMENT STANDARDS Withdrawal from the Magnet/CTA school is not permitted during the school year for the remainder of the time a student is enrolled in the program. The Magnet/CTA school becomes your student’s home school once enrolled. Should you wish to withdraw your child, it must be at the end of the school year. ACADEMIC STANDARDS While the school will work with families to ensure the academic success of each student, the student will be required to meet the expectations of the program. Any student unwilling to complete required course work will be placed on probation, as determined by administration. ATTENDANCE STANDARDS Students that accumulate 15 or more absences (excused or unexcused) will be placed on probation. Students accumulating 15 or more tardies and/or early releases will be placed on probation. BEHAVIOR STANDARDS Students that receive an RPC and/or suspension will be placed on probation. Students that are referred for expulsion and/or are formally expelled will be dismissed from the magnet program. MAGNET PROGRAM PROBATION PROCESS STEP 1 Students will be notified by the school (via phone or mail) that they are being placed on probation due to violation of the contract. STEP 2 A probation conference (in person or over the phone) will be scheduled with the parent/guardian to discuss the conditions of the probation. STEP 3 The student may be required to participate in the following activities in order to meet the conditions of the probation which may include but not be limited to: school counseling, behavior plans, parent conferences, peer mediation, community service, campus beautification, or other school-based requirements. Students that do not meet the obligations of their probation may be dismissed from the school at the end of the school year and will be directed to enroll at their zoned home school.
What makes a magnet school different than a regular school?-Magnet schools are still part of the Clark County School District. We are NOT private or charter. -Magnet schools have a “theme” or learning focus. Most Elementary CCSD Magnet schools are arts themed, STEAM themed, Leadership themed, or International Baccalaureate themed. Middle and High Magnet schools offer more specialized programs within their themes. Go to to explore the options available. -Magnet schools encourage a diverse student body by opening enrollment to all of the Las Vegas valley and by providing transportation to and from designated areas.
What after-school clubs do you offer?Clubs are run by our facilitators (teachers) without compensation, so our clubs may change year-to-year based on their availability and interests. Our first school year included the following after-school clubs: Choir, Cheerleading, Robotics, Sports/Athletics, Student Council, and Girls on the Run. We hold frequent “Voyage” sessions, similar to Electives, where all learners can participate during the school day in various activities, academic and non-academic. This allows ALL of our learners access to “clubs” even if they cannot stay after school.
Do you have a GATE program?Yes. In the 2019-2020 school year, we will also have the TAGS program.
Why don’t Lomie Head ES students get letter grades like other schools?At Lomie G. Heard Elementary, we assess learners based on their progress toward skills called Proficiency Scales. As learners progress in their knowledge of the Proficiency Scales, they may be considered beginning, developing, proficient, or advanced. These are indicated by numbers 1-4. Scoring based on individual Proficiency Scales provides learners and families with specific information about learner strengths and areas for growth. When a learner simply gets a “B” in Reading, it doesn’t give much information about what that learner can and can’t do.
How can I see my child’s grades?Parents can access Empower, our record keeping system. Contact the office for user name and password.
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